«Social well-being of pensioners in modern conditions: regional lifestyle models»

19 July 2012, Thursday
Dear colleagues! We are glad to inform you about the release of the following monograph «Social well-being of pensioners in modern conditions: regional lifestyle models». Authors of this edition are the doctor of sociological sciences, the professor, the main research associate of our Center of Hayrullina Yulduz Rakibovna and the candidate of sociological sciences Nikolaeva Olga Vladimirovna, who has successfully ended postgraduate study of our Center.
In the work we considered theoretical and applied aspects of social well-being of pensioners as big and socially significant social and demographic group of modern Russian society. On materials of the author's representative empirical researches which have been carried out in 2008 and 2010-11 in the Republic of Tatarstan, the opinion and social well-being come to light, values, motivation and behavior models of people of a retirement age in various spheres of modern life, their regional lifestyle models are designed.
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