INTRODUCTION realization of budgetary policy, to reveal their own internal
The centuries-old history of development of population welfare growth. Works of such authors as
humanity led to the fact, that functioning of modern A.M. Alexandrov, A.A. Babaytsev, E.A. Voznesensky, V.
society is provided by the state which, in turn, has M. Vlasova, O. V. Vrublevskaya, O. V. Goncharuk, L.A.
developed such a mechanism as a budgetary policy for Drobozina, A.M. Kovalyova, T.V. Silvestrova, E.V.
ensuring its existence. Russian statehood involves Shipilova are aimed at achieving these goals. The most
three-level system of a budgetary policy: state, region, various methods of assessment of budgetary policy
municipality. It is obvious that society functioning at the efficiency of municipal authority, regional and
level of municipality which is provided with local budget government bodies are presented in their works, however,
is the closest to daily interests of the majority of citizens the majority of them are often subjected to criticism and
of the Russian Federation. The budgetary system of have no practical application. Therefore, in our opinion, it
Russia constantly is in conditions of reforming and is necessary to analyze the most frequent methods in
transformations that generates a lot of problems and modern economic literature. We will realize it in Table 1,
contradictions. And life of each citizen of the Russian having systematized methods by efficiency criterion.
Federation goes through "here and now". Therefore it is As can be seen from Table 1, each of the presented
necessary to help municipalities to provide complete methods has its essential advantages following from
satisfaction of interests of the population living in its accurate and logical justification of chosen efficiency
territory, through the existing mechanism of the budgetary criterion and disadvantages arising from connection with
policy. For this purpose, in our opinion, it is necessary to inability to cover all group of factors, influencing on
estimate efficiency of mechanisms of formation and budgetary policy efficiency of municipality. In our
development possibilities, to create conditions for
World Appl. Sci. J., 27 (Education, Law, Economics, Language and Communication): 299-304, 2013
Table 1: Grouping methods of budgetary policy efficiency assessment by efficiency criterion
Efficiency criteria Authors Advantages and disadvantages
Collection activities of budget receipts, Babaitsev A.A. [1] Calculation of these activities allows to reveal the dependence on
budget obligations implementation, Kovaleva T.M. [2] superior budgets that has developed in a municipality, self-financing
budget deficit and public debt management degree and thus allows to judge external budgetary policy efficiency
of municipality. Comparison of these data on different municipalities
allows to draw a conclusion on the most successful of them and to adopt
their practices of carrying out the budgetary policy. However, using only
these activities limits efficiency assessment very much.
Maximum coverage budgetary process Saint-Petersburg Center for This method covers all range of problems of municipality, beginning
problems: formation, discussions and Humanities and Political from analysis of revenues through tax and budgetary legislation, to
budget performance at regional and Studies "Strategy" [3] analysis of each element in supply. However it is too bulky for
municipal level application and demands huge human resources when using; doesn't
consider municipality efficiency assessment from macroeconomic positions.
Values of conventional budget coefficients: Method of efficiency assessment These activities in a complex, in general, describe the situation in
ratio of gratuitous transfers and earned of municipalities activity of the municipality in the field of finance. However there are a number of problems:
revenue; budgetary effectiveness of Novosibirsk region [4] what kind of activities should be included in calculation of coefficients, how
territories; budgetary debt; budgetary to define what one or another coefficient means, how to provide comparability
cover and supply of activities.
Activity efficiency of each budgetary Silvestrova T.V. [5] This method doesn't touch a situation as a whole: result, costs of its
institution separately. achievement is specified, but the ratio of costs to results in "efficiency"
assessment calculations isn't analyzed.
Degree of reliability of providing Shipilova E. V. [6] This method allows to judge how the municipality used its financial
information on budget performance, resources, whether there were deviations in targeted draft on funds. In this
compliance with the current legislation case, checking sometimes demands big expenses, than possible violations.
of operations on management of financial Using one scheme in different municipalities isn't always justified, as all
and economic activity of organization. of them significantly differ as in social and economic, historical position and
Efficiency and expediency of administrative in security with personnel resources, budgetary funds, etc.
decisions making and scarce resources using
Productivity activities-activities of final Berezdivina E.V. [7] Not all activities are applicable for a municipality. Some of them, indeed,
effects, activities of direct results and reflect a state of budgetary policy, with a direct relation to finance, others
resources use activities have more descriptive character, statistical information collected in section
of subjects of the Russian Federation or in the whole the state is necessary
for calculation of the third.
opinion, the main disadvantage of the majority of methods results with use of funds determined by the budget. It is
is their relative detachment from taking into account natural that "funds" of municipality are local budget costs
budgetary policy impact on life quality of population, as and what about "specified results"? In our opinion, it is
considering dispositions of chapter 3 of the Federal Law purport of municipality activity - improvement life quality
of 06.10.2003 N 131-FL [8], purport of existence of of population. Therefore for obvious display positions of
municipalities consists, including providing a decent territory among regions competitors and definition of
standard of living to its population as well. priority shifts direction when developing budget
Main Part: Taking into account all above, we offer a new of abscissa will reflect budget costs, expressed through
method of assessment, allowing to estimate budgetary the given indicator of budget costs the per capita and
policy influence on social development of municipalities. ordinate axis-social development, expressed through
As efficiency criterion we suggest to use equilibration of integral index of life quality of population (Fig. 1).
local government social development and costs of its Let’s consider a method suggested by us on the
implementation. In our opinion, this efficiency criterion example of municipalities of the Republic of Tatarstan
follows from Article 34 of the Budgetary Code of the which include large cities, in 2009 - 2012.
Russian Federation which contains a definition of "the At the first stage, we transform budget costs per
principle of efficiency and economy of budgetary funds", capita in summation term into relative indicators,
consisting in need of achievement specified results using calculating the given indicator of budget costs using
of the least amount of money or achievement the best formula 1, for possibility to display budget costs of
territories we suggest using matrix approach. Where axis
World Appl. Sci. J., 27 (Education, Law, Economics, Language and Communication): 299-304, 2013
Fig. 1: Budget costs influence on social development
Table 2: Local budget costs of municipalities of the Republic of Tatarstan which include large cities, in 2009-2012. Thousand rubles
Budget Budget costs on Budget Budget costs on Budget costs on Budget costs
Municipality of the costs on physical culture and costs on culture,cinematography housing and on defense,politics, Total
Republic of Tatarstan Year health care sports development education and mass media communal services national questions, ect. costs
Accept sincere congratulations on coming
2015 New Year and Merry Christmas!
We have achieved a lot together in the past year,
and let the coming year will be for you to stage new discoveries, interesting meetings and events. Let promising ideas, friends, and inspiration to help you reach new personal heights.
In this New Year, I would like to wish you, your family and friends health, happiness, good luck, prosperity and new successes.
Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!
With best regards,
Director of the Center of Advanced Economic Researches in the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan
M.R. Safiullin
Dear colleagues! Let us inform you about the international publication written by the candidate of sociological sciences, the assistant to sociology chair of the Kazan (Volga Region) federal university, the manager of high-quality research department of the Center of Advanced Economic Research in the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan Polina Ermolaeva.
Based on the environmental case of the 2013 Universiade in Kazan, this research highlights that despite the variety of tools employed for citizen engagement, the key procedures can be claimed as ‘false dialogues’. The study identifies the key factors for such a discrepancy. The main external barriers for post-socialist Russian cities include the limited time frame for building sports venues, poor execution of environmental legislation, and complicated bureaucratic procedures maintained by governmental actors. The internal factors are polarized positions in the community due to the complexity of the project, the gap between the citizen environmental concern and actual engagement in environmentally friendly behaviours associated with the lack of the environmental knowledge, time, and financial resources, lack of knowledge of the environmental impact assessment process, and dominance of the material and paternalistic values and low trust in government proponents.
Dear colleagues!
Let us introduce the article on "Analysis of the Impact of Environmental Stress on Social-and-Economic Well-Being of Population: Development of the Methodology and its Testing» publisheв in the magazine "Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research."
Authors: Marat Rashitovich Safiullin, Leonid Alekseevich Elshin and Alina Ildarovna Shakirova - Center for Advanced Economic Research Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Russia
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